Dealing with Leaks, Seepage, and Cracks in Your Basement

Moisture, seepage and leaks on the basement walls and floor is a common problem in many homes. It takes a little effort, commitment and time to do the right job and restore your basement to good condition. These problems may be caused by water pressure from the outside accumulating and being forced through the walls, original workmanship and construction being poor or the house settling causing cracks either on the walls or floor. Such leaks can be detected when moisture begins to seep along the cracks or areas where the walls connect with the floor.

A major step to fix leaks and seepage in holes and cracks is by waterproofing your walls and floor. However, all the holes and cracks must be well repaired before waterproofing begins. For walls that have no cracks and walls, waterproofing can begin instantly. Here are steps to follow for a successful waterproofing project. 

Clean the Wall and Floor Thoroughly

Scrape all the dry dirt accumulation off the walls using a wire brush. After all the dirt has been removed, use a clean, water-soaked rag to clean the wall one more time to make it sparkling clean. The soaked rag will also be used to clean the floor. This process ensures that the waterproofing material applied sticks well to the wall and not the layer of dirt. After cleaning, get old newspapers and a masking tape to cover all areas that are not supposed to be sprayed by the waterproofing material including the roof and entrance of the house.

Moisten the Basement Walls and Floor

Use a fine spray with an appropriate nozzle setting to moisten the basement walls and floor before applying the waterproof mix. The walls and floor should be damp at the time of applying the mix, but no water should be seen.

Prepare Latex and Epoxy

Special epoxy and latex waterproofing formulas are one of the best options for brushing your walls and floors as a waterproofing coating. Follow the manufacturer's instructions to carefully mix these components in the required constituents. You may be required to add only water to most of such mix types.

Apply the Waterproof Mix

Use a stiff brush to rub the waterproof mix on the walls and floor of your basement in a circular motion. Ensure to brush the waterproof mix to the top as you move to the bottom while applying additional layers until you completely cover the area. You may apply a second coat to make it strong after the coat has dried completely and cannot rub off.

About Me

How to Repair Antique Items

Hello, my name is Paul and I live in Tasmania. Last year, my grandad passed away and left me a lot of this things. When I visited his home, I was amazed to see the range of different antique items. There were watches, chains, rings and musical instruments and they now belonged to me. Some of them were in pretty bad condition so I decided to teach myself about the restoration process. I could carry out some basic restoration tasks, but I had to take some of the more badly damaged items to a professional. I decided to start this blog to advise others.



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